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From September onwards,anything up to a 4 week wait is possible as we just get so very booked up.Imagine one cold night,yes we had one recently,where you cannot get the fire drawing because of a blockage?Or even worse it catches fire?Not worth waiting for ,is it ?

Fireplace Clean €100 Incl.(Up to 2 HRS)
An open fireplace is simply a masonry unit with an open face as pictures.These kind of sweeps include cleaning of the fire box, smoke shelf and the flue area.We recommend a yearly inspection,cleaning and repairs done as necessary.Open fireplaces used to heat your home more often should be inspected and cleaned us needed every year.Usually a clean is needed for every cord of wood burned.

Insert or Cassette Clean €100 Incl.(Up to 2hrs)
An insert,or cassette,is sometimes more involved than an open fireplace sweep because the unit could need to be removed entirely from the original fire box.We recommend inspecting and cleaning on a more regular basis as most inserts block your view of the original firebox that it is sitting in.Insert are a metal firebox sitting inside of a masonry fireplace that could be deteriorated and in need of repair.Proper cleaning and inspection can identify problems that may save more than the cost of the job itself.

Woodstove Clean €100 Incl.(Up to 2hrs)
A free-standing wood stove is generally cleaned by removing the pipe from the unit,sweeping the flue pipe,the fire box,the circulation chamber and inspected for crack and deterioration.Problems can arise when people over burn these unites and the side walls & floor become worn and brittle.These units can even blow their glass viewing areas out.We recommend cleaning and inspection of these kind of fireplaces on a regular basis to ensure the pipe and box integrity.

Inspection €60 Incl. (Up to 1hr)
We also offer an camera & inspection service looking specifically for crack and deterioration giving peace of mind.Our findings will be passed over to you and we will only recommend a clean is it needs one.Please bear in mind that if you are booking for an inspection only,the likelihood of being cleaned(if needed) on the same day is not guaranteed.This is also a great way to work out what is required if you are looking for a new burner or insert installation.
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